

We believe that the knowledge students acquire must be applicable to society, as its value lies in giving back to the community. Since the founding of our school, we have established a Social Service Department, hiring a full-time coordinator to plan and oversee all service learning initiatives. Additionally, we include students' volunteer service hours in the promotion criteria.


Service Philosophy

Regardless of age, race, religion, or wealth, everyone desires a happy life. Happiness is a fundamental need for all. While Hong Kong is materially affluent, many residents do not lead fulfilling lives; some even tragically end their own lives to escape their unhappiness. This is a sad reality. Increasingly, research shows that living joyfully not only reduces negative emotions and behaviors but also enhances our compassion, creativity, and vitality. Moreover, it improves our capacity to create wealth and enhances physical and mental health. Clinical psychologist Mr. Law Cheuk-chuen from the Social Welfare Department has shared seven principles for happiness, one of which is "Joy in Doing Good."


"Helping others is the foundation of happiness." Studies indicate that when we assist others or show kindness, both our physical and mental states improve. Physically, acts of kindness stimulate the release of neurochemicals similar to "morphine," enhancing our sense of joy and alleviating discomfort. Mentally, the process of helping others shifts our focus towards their needs, fostering a selfless mindset that counters egocentrism and builds strong relationships.


Measure One: School-Wide Volunteer Program - Class Service Plan

I. Purpose: To establish a "Service Campus" where social service is the core of educational activities. Through participation in both internal and external service, students can transcend textbook learning, gaining rich, practical knowledge. This experience aims to enhance their moral standards, foster a positive attitude, and cultivate compassion, making them caring citizens who are concerned about society and others. Additionally, involvement in organization and action will help develop leadership skills, critical thinking, organizational abilities, management techniques, and higher-level life skills.

II. Five Key Elements of Service Learning:
1. Planning →2. Training →3. Reflection →4. Evaluation →5. Recognition → National participation

III. Target Audience: All students

IV. Format: Students will be organized to take on roles in planning and coordinating services (for the elderly, children, etc.), allowing them to learn service planning skills. This will help cultivate patience, care, and a sense of responsibility while enhancing problem-solving abilities and understanding the spirit of cooperation. Finally, reflection and feedback after the service will reinforce positive character traits in students.


Measure Two: Primary and Secondary School Community Volunteer Program - "Happy Engineers"
I. Objectives:
1. To enhance participants' happiness and instill the significance of helping others and self-help.
2. To assist primary and secondary students in cultivating a sense of responsibility and proper values, encouraging active participation in community affairs and fostering a global perspective.
II. Target Audience: All primary school students in Hong Kong
III. Duration: Year-round
IV. Format: Organize paired visits for primary and secondary students to specific organizations, allowing them to gradually understand and engage with community needs. Collaboratively prepare service activities based on their experiences. On service days, leverage the combined efforts of primary and secondary students to spread kindness throughout various community sectors, creating lasting memories and positive impacts.


Measure Three: Cultivating Service Leaders - Man Kwan Volunteer Team
I. Objectives:
1.To implement ongoing volunteer services, establishing lasting relationships with community members and nurturing high school students as future leaders.
2. To unleash students' potential, enhancing their service planning and teamwork skills.
3. To help students recognize their personal strengths through the service learning process.
4. To expand the service learning network and increase motivation for other students to participate.
II. Target Audience: Students willing to engage in continuous volunteer service
III. Duration: Year-round
IV. Format:
1. Assist in planning various volunteer services, such as the "Make a Wish" program, encouraging students to understand the beneficiaries and express care through action.
2. Lead other middle school students in ongoing volunteer activities, passing on the service philosophy.


Measure Four: Overseas Volunteer Teams and Competitions
I. Purpose: In addition to actively promoting local volunteer services, our school encourages students to venture beyond Hong Kong, broadening their horizons and applying their experiences in daily life.
II. Target Audience: Students and volunteer leaders willing to participate in overseas volunteer service activities.
III. Content: Visitation Activities, examples include previous visits to the Pingtung Indigenous Community in Taiwan and orphanages in Thailand, where students express care through action. Exchange Activities, engage with Taiwanese indigenous organizations and social welfare institutions in Thailand to learn about local culture and community needs.


Measure Five: Volunteer Recognition Ceremony
I. Purpose:
1. To acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of volunteers and express gratitude to various organizations and individuals for their support in promoting volunteer services.
2. To showcase and promote the messages of "Volunteer education should be nurtured from a young age" and "The impact of volunteerism on societal benefits" to the community.
II. Target Audience: Students from our school who have participated in volunteer services, local primary school students, and community members
III. Date: Every February
IV. Content:
1. Our school will provide training for primary and secondary students to build teamwork and trust.
2. Students will collaborate to plan the recognition ceremony, utilizing their creativity. They will serve as hosts, volunteer helpers, and performers, contributing to the original thank-you ceremony each year.
