
Cultivating the conduct and personal quality of the students
building a healthy campus

Theme: "Healthy Lifestyle" – Cultivating Students' Values of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty Through Various Measures.

Measure One: Staying Busy This Summer
I. Purpose
1. To engage new Form One students in diverse and beneficial activities and courses during the summer, helping them adapt and integrate into the school environment.
2. To provide a more relaxed setting for seniors, teachers, and class advisors to offer support and build mutual trust.
3. To develop and nurture leadership skills among senior students.
II. Date/Time: Four consecutive weeks after Form One registration (9:00 AM to 12:45 PM)
III. Target Audience: All new Form One students
IV. Format
1. Students will participate in groups.
2. Each group must attend activities according to the schedule every week.
3. Each group will be led by senior student mentors.
V. Program Content
Includes: "Hello Friends" – getting to know each other, drama classes, film activities, moral education (P.A.T.H.S.), drill training, tea arts, game-based learning, English courses, adventure activities, rock climbing, trampoline, design, handbells, familiarization with the campus and school rules, culminating in a closing ceremony at the end of August.

Measure Two: Smart Goal - New Student Orientation Day
I. Purpose
1. To help new students understand themselves, reflect on their goals, and establish a clear direction early on.
2. To facilitate mutual understanding between new students and their class advisors, building trust.
3. To familiarize new students with the school's expectations, culture, and environment, enabling them to better integrate into campus life in the new school year.
II. Date/Time: Summer (mid-August)
III. Target Audience: New students enrolling at the school
IV. Content and Format:
Includes: Principal’s sharing session, explanation of school rules, presentation of uniform and grooming standards, adventure activities, campus orientation, introduction to diverse pathways for high school students, goal-setting workshops, and establishing goals for the coming year.

Measure Three: Teacher Appreciation Day
I. Purpose: To promote respect for teachers, express students' gratitude towards them, and strengthen the bond between teachers and students.
II. Date: On Teacher Appreciation Day and during the opening assembly
III. Format:
1. Class advisors will distribute appreciation cards to students, allowing them to express their thanks to teachers.
2. The Ming Tak Group will create a "Heartfelt Card" display in the school to honor teachers.
3. During the opening assembly, there will be a segment dedicated to teacher appreciation, featuring songs related to honoring teachers, and student council representatives will present flowers to teachers as a gesture of respect.

Measure Four: Annual Star Election
I. Purpose
1. To discover and recognize students who excel academically and demonstrate outstanding talents.
2. To enhance students' leadership qualities and encourage them to pursue excellence and challenge themselves.
3. To motivate students to aspire for progress by using peers as role models, becoming examples for the entire school.
II. Target Audience: All students
III. Eligibility Criteria:
1. Achieve a top 30 rank in the year or top 3 in their class.
2. Maintain a conduct grade of “A”or above.                                                 
3. Exhibit outstanding performance in talents or other areas.
4. eceive at least one recommendation from a teacher.
IV. Selection Process:
1. Open registration for candidates, who can invite teachers as recommenders.
2. All candidates undergo a preliminary selection, and judges will score to determine the final five finalists.
3. The five finalists will introduce themselves and share their achievements during a school assembly.
4. The final round consists of personal introductions, a Q&A session with judges, and a group discussion.
V. Awards:
1. The student elected as the "Annual Star" will receive a scholarship equivalent to one year’s tuition and will assist in promoting moral education activities in the following year while sharing their learning experiences with classmates.
2. Four outstanding award recipients will receive book vouchers as encouragement.

Measure Five: "Soaring Together Program"
I. Purpose:
1. To strengthen students' sense of belonging to the school and help them integrate into campus life.
2. To care for and assist students in growing up healthily and happily.
II. Target Audience: Junior high students with special needs (e.g., learning disabilities)
III. Format: Led by school growth mentors, the program includes after-school homework assistance, casual conversations, and group games to foster integration into the school environment.

Measure Six: Poster Design Competition

I. Purpose
1. To foster a sense of belonging to the school among students.
2. To allow students to express their creativity.
3. To provide an opportunity for students to develop communication and leadership skills with their peers.
II. Target Audience: All students
III. Format:
1. Each semester will feature a specific theme based on the school’s areas of focus.
2. Evaluation criteria include: relevance to the theme, content, creativity, and artistic quality.
3. There will be separate categories for junior high and senior high, with each category awarding first, second, and third place.

Measure Seven: Holistic Education Course – Ming Tak Seminars
I. Purpose: To establish correct values among students through various themed seminars.    
II. Target Audience: All teachers and students.
III. Content: Principal's address, event promotions, award presentations, and Ming Tak seminars.

Measure Eight: Community-Based Program

I. Purpose: To provide activities and courses in academics, leadership, and confidence for students from underprivileged backgrounds through resources offered by external organizations.
II. Target Audience: Students from low-income families (e.g., those receiving social welfare)
III. Format: Organized by NGO social workers and growth mentors, offering a series of activities and courses based on students' interests, covering subjects, leadership skills, and confidence-building.

Measure Nine: Star Achievement Program

I. Purpose: To help students unlock their unique potential, develop positively, build confidence, and become diligent learners with noble character, creativity, and a willingness to serve.
II. Target Audience: All students
III. Format:
1. The Star Achievement Program is a school-wide initiative that actively rewards students for participating in both internal and external learning activities.
2. Through a systematic points reward system, students can earn recognition and rewards from teachers for their outstanding performance, which can also be used to offset any shortcomings.
3. Upon completing the third stage, all students will receive a certificate.
4. The highest honors of the Star Achievement Program will be awarded during the academic achievement ceremony.

Measure Ten: Man Kwan Star Achievement Cup
I. Purpose: To enhance class cohesion and unleash student potential through diverse inter-class competitions and activities.
II. Target Audience: All students
III. Implementation Period: Throughout the year
IV. Format:
1. Form Six Group: Competitions run from September to February. The class with the highest cumulative score will be recognized as the "Best Graduating Class," receiving a certificate during the graduation ceremony or tea gathering.
2. Form One to Form Five Groups: Competitions run from September to June. The class with the highest cumulative score will be awarded the "Star Achievement Cup" for the year.
V. Rewards:
1. The champion of the Form Six group will be awarded the title of "Best Graduating Class," with certificates presented to the class advisor and all students during the graduation ceremony.
2. The champion of the Form One to Form Five groups will have their class name engraved on the "Star Achievement Cup." Additionally, the school will reward the class advisor and all students with a trip to a local theme park. The class advisor will also be recognized as the "Outstanding Class Advisor." Furthermore, each class will select a "Most Valuable Student," who will receive a book voucher from the principal.

Measure Eleven: Level Coordinators
I. Purpose
1. To assist in promoting school-wide activities and share experiences, enhancing class cohesion.
2. To instill positive messages among students at each level.
II. Format
1. Regular meetings for class advisors to review the implementation of activities and share experiences in guiding student participation.
2. To understand the conditions of each level and report to the Student Development Department for timely support of student needs.
3. Meeting minutes will be submitted for follow-up on relevant matters.

Measure Twelve: Class Management Activities

I. Purpose: To enhance class cohesion and sense of belonging through a variety of inter-class activities and class advisor-organized events, strengthening relationships among teachers and students, and fostering a joyful campus environment. II. Activity Content:
1. Class Expectations (Class Rules)
Objective: To provide students with clearer learning goals and guidelines. The Student Development Department will assist class advisors in establishing class-specific objectives and rules. Three key rules will be set based on each class’s needs, promoting improvement in character and discipline, with these displayed in the classroom. Class advisors will regularly review effectiveness and complete self-assessments of class rules twice per semester on the intranet.
2. One Role for Each Student
Objective: To cultivate a sense of responsibility and promote student ownership. The Student Development Department suggests that class advisors implement a "One Role for Each Student" plan, allowing students to take on specific responsibilities within the class to learn accountability.

Measure Thirteen: Moral Education Elective Courses
I. Purpose: To provide class-based instruction in moral education messages.
II. Format: Class advisors will select appropriate courses from the civic and moral education website based on class needs and teach them during their lessons.

Measure Fourteen: Talent Pool for Potential Students

I. Purpose:
1.  To align with the "One Student, One Competition" initiative, encouraging students to participate in diverse activities.
2. To ensure every student has a fair and ample opportunity to develop their potential.
II. Program Format:
1. A talent pool platform will be established to consolidate and record students' various talents and learning experiences, which will be accessible to teachers.
2. Teachers will nominate students with potential to join the talent pool.
3. Prior to enrolling students in external competitions or organizing internal contests, teachers can refer to the talent pool data to select participants.
